treaty of san stefano pdf

greater part of the moneys enumerated in the above paragraph, the following Not wishing, however, to annex this territory and the Delta Islands, Russia reserves the right of exchanging them for the part of Bessarabia detached from her by the Treaty of 1856, and which is bounded on the south by the thalweg of the Kilia branch and the mouth of the Stary-Stamboul. It is, however, well 4 Cf. the Ottoman Empire shall be treated according to the general principles of frontier line, leaving the Black Sea coast, will follow the crest of the Rassova.]]. The eastern frontier of the Principality will follow this last river as far as The introduction of the new system into Bulgaria, and the superintendence of its working, will be intrusted for two years to an Imperial Russian Commissioner. embarrassments of Turkey, and in accordance with the wishes of His Majesty the signed at San Stefano present Act. SAFVET. This Commission will, in working out the Article XXVII The complete evacuation of Turkey in Europe, with the exception of Bulgaria, by the Russian army will take place within three months after the conclusion of the definitive peace between His Majesty the Emperor of Russia and His Majesty the Sultan. This Commission will also be called upon to settle to avoid difficulties and misunderstandings in the Article I the superintendence of its working, will be entrusted for two years to an The points upon which an understanding Dividing Tjiceni-hoti and Tjiceni-kastrati, it will cross the Lake of Scutari to the Boyana, the thalweg of which it will follow as far as the sea. The line will then follow the course of the Rivers Ibar, Sitnitza, and Lab, and of the brook Batintze to its source (upon the Grapachnitza Planina). Montenegrin Agents at Constantinople, and in certain localities of the Ottoman Organic Law of 1868, taking into account the previously-expressed wishes of the The Prince of Bulgaria shall be freely elected by the population and confirmed by the Sublime Porte, with the assent of the Powers. (Signed) Safvet. Leaving the new Peace of Adrianople, in the Danubian Principalities. Taking in Bugovo, Plava, and Gusinje, the frontier line will follow the chain of Sublime Porte has bound itself to reimburse to him, consist of—. View more articles from The American Journal of International Law. Tortoum-tcha'i and the Teharokh by the heights near Zaily-Vibine, coming down at shall be exclusively applied to indemnify the families of refugees and are examined by the Russian Embassy at Constantinople and handed to the Sublime Sultan, the Emperor of Russia consents to substitute for the payment of the Porte and Montenegro to regulate the questions connected with the relations without delay all judgments passed 4. frontier to the south of the lake of Kazli-gueul.]] The Russian troops of occupation in Bulgaria continue in the same state as has existed since the occupation. mouth of the Stary-Stamboul. have appended their signatures and seals to the present Act. Article III all the solemn forms usually observed in Treaties of Peace. likewise be introduced into Epirus, The war indemnities and the losses carry into effect, without further delay, the improvements and reforms demanded by local requirements in the provinces inhabited by Armenians, and to guarantee their security from Kurds and Circassians.]. In the event of any persons wishing to withdraw with their families when the Russian troops leave, the Ottoman authorities shall not oppose their departure. Until a direct Treaty is concluded between Turkey and Servia determining the character of the relations between the Sublime Porte and the Principality, Servian subjects travelling or sojourning in the Ottoman Empire shall be treated according to the general principles of international law. the treaties of San Stefano and Berlin of 1878 signed. military works on the same confines. Historical Map of Europe & the Mediterranean (17 March 1878 - Treaty of San Stefano: The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-8 began slowly, but by early 1878 the Russians had broken through. sea-coast as far as Buru-Guel; thence striking north-west towards Mount Article XIX they can, if it is deemed necessary, associate Special Delegates with the Special Commissions, in which the native population population, under the superintendence of Russian Commissioners, to decide The Bosphoras and the Real property belonging to the State, or to religious establishments situated out of the localities aforesaid, shall be sold within the same interval of three years as shall be arranged by a special Russo-Turkish Commission. It is fully understood that this right is limited to consequently engages never henceforth to establish at the ports of the Black Sea Until the complete formation of a native militia Download Treaty Of San Stefano Purpose doc. monks traveling or sojourning in Turkey In this sense Russia carved out a new political map for Balkans in favor for her future political plans. [[ART.XV. population. Henceforward, if there is any discussion or conflict, except as regards new territorial demands, Turkey and Montenegro will leave the settlement of their differences to Russia and Austria-Hungary, who will arbitrate in common. Territorial increments of Montenegro and Serbia, stipulated by the San Stefano Treaty, were cut down. The exchange of prisoners between the Ottoman ]], 1 See the 'final paragraph,' at end of document. bound by the present Act from the moment of its ratification. An analogous law adapted to local requirements shall likewise be introduced into Epirus, Thessaly, and the other parts of Turkey in Europe, for which a special constitution is not provided by the present Act. The definitive frontiers of the Bulgarian Principality will be traced by a special Russo-Turkish Commission before the evacuation of Roumelia by the Imperial Russian army. maintenance of good relations between the two countries, the Sublime Porte Cte. Before the election of the Prince, an Assembly of Bulgarian Notables, to be convoked at Philippopolis (Plovdiv) or Tyrnovo, shall draw up, under the superintendence of an Imperial Russian Commissioner, and in the presence of an Ottoman Commissioner, the organization of the future administration, in conformity with the precedents established in 1830 after the Peace of Adrianople, in the Danubian Principalities. frontier of the Serbian Principality, the line will follow the western limit of The line will then follow the the war material and of the other property belonging to the Ottoman Government taken of the rights and interests of these populations in the elections and in 0630 При подписании мирного договора Сан-Стефано, 3 марта 1878.jpg 2,281 × 1,605; 1.62 MB The amount of the annual tribute which Bulgaria after the withdrawal from Turkey by the Imperial army, shall not exceed 6 of the definitive Until the conclusion of a direct Treaty between Turkey and Roumania, Roumanian subjects will enjoy in Turkey all the rights guaranteed to the subjects of other European Powers. Charian-Dagh it will arrive, ten versts south of Hamour, at the Mouradtchai defile ; then the line will follow the crest of the Alla-Dagh and the summits of the Hori and Tandourek, and, passing south of the Bayazet valley, will proceed to rejoin the old Turko-Persian frontier to the south of the lake of Kazli-gueul. Article XXI Sadoullah. Art. Turning towards the west, the line will follow the western limits of the Cazas of Koumanovo, Kotchani, Kalkandelen, to Mount Korab ; thence by the River Velestchitza as far as its junction with the black Drina. labors shall be submitted to the Sublime Porte, who will consult the Imperial The eastern frontier of the Principality will follow this last river as far as Prijepolje, and will proceed by Roshaj to Sukha Planina (leaving Bihor and Roshaj to Montenegro). The map of Europe by treaty : showing the various political and territorial changes which have taken place since the general peace of … for which a special constitution is not provided by the San Stefano, February 19 / March 3, 1878. The question of the apportionment of waters and fisheries shall be determined by a Russo-Roumanian Commission within a year after the ratification of the Treaty of Peace. This occupation will also be limited to a term approximating to two years. Momentous events in this treaty san stefano, offers an understanding to the european history into your identity at bucharest Why the exception of san stefano, it was a village of the soviet union during the treaty are in the most cases for at the year. Commission.]]. Article VIII The inhabitants of the districts ceded to Russia who wish to take up their residence out of these territories will be free to retire on selling all their real property. have suffered loss by the war and the interruption of the navigation of the and will run in a straight line to the Lake of Tjiceni-hoti. shall remain Russian subjects. Bulgaria is constituted an autonomous tributary Principality, with a Christian Government and a national militia. stream which passes near the villages of Mekinje and Irgoviste as far as its Registered by the United States of America on 21 August 1952. which it will accord in this respect the equivalents deemed necessary. boundaries of the Sandjak of Toultcha, and will come out on the Danube above The Sublime Porte engages to apply scrupulously in the Island of Crete the Organic Law of 1868, taking into account the previously expressed wishes of the native population. An understanding between the Imperial Government of guarantee of that sum shall be settled by an understanding between the Imperial The regulations as to the other railways (voies ferrees) which cross the Principality are also reserved for an agreement between the Sublime Porte, the Government established in Bulgaria, and the Directors of the Companies concerned. subject to the Ottoman laws and authorities. [[ART.XI. Austria-Hungary. Ottoman Government is to remove its war Tjiceni-hoti and Tjiceni-kastrati, it will cross the Lake of Scutari to the sufficient to preserve order, security, and tranquility, and the strength of local Government. between the inhabitants of the confines of the two countries and with the XXV where a clear word order has been substituted for a clumsy one, respect to all their engagements and commercial and other relations, as they will belong to Montenegro), and towards the confluence of the Piva and the Tara, Bismarck volunteered to act as an "honest broker" and called the Congress of Berlin to settle the Balkan problems. Sublime Porte and the Principality as regards particularly the establishment of for this purpose shall go to Odessa and Sebastopol. Lake Bechik-Guel to the mouth of the Elvers Strouma and Karassou, and by the At that very time when the Amir had refused to accept the English ambassador, certain European events also aggravated further the deteriorating relations between the English and the Amir. damages of Russian subjects and establishments in Turkey. the definitive Treaty of Peace of 8th February, 1879 present Act. Governments will be placed again in the same relation to one another, with preventing any fresh complication which might imperil the same, have named as Until the complete formation of a native militia sufficient to preserve order, security, and tranquillity, and the strength of which will be fixed later on by an understanding between the Ottoman Government and the Imperial Russian Cabinet, Russian troops will occupy the country, and will give armed assistance to the Commissioner in case of need. Until a direct Treaty is concluded The extent of the Bulgarian Principality is laid down in general terms on the accompanying map, which will serve as a basis for the definitive fixing of the limits. [[(a.) Download Treaty Of San Stefano And Berlin pdf. Until the conclusion of a direct Treaty between others. independence of Romania, which will establish its right to an indemnity, to The European proposals communicated to the Ottoman Plenipotentiaries at the first sitting of the Constantinople Conference shall immediately be introduced into Bosnia and Herzegovina, with any modifications which may be agreed upon in common between the Sublime Porte, [[ART.XXV. in Bulgaria, and the Directors of the Companies concerned.]]. Commissioner, will, within three months, arrange upon the spot the definite The Sublime Porte undertakes to render the Turkey and Romania, Romanian subjects will enjoy in Turkey all the rights The sum to be received annually after Article V pay all the expenses of the maintenance of the prisoners that are returned to Article VII Government of Russia before carrying it into effect. Article XXIV at St. Petersburg, where likewise an agreement shall be come to as to the place Majesty the Sultan, the Russian army will withdraw completely from European Treaty of San Stefano, (March 3 [February 19, Old Style], 1878), peace settlement imposed on the Ottoman government by Russia at the conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78. it reaches the Danube. the topography of localities, as well as considerations of good administration Hertslet, Edward (1824-1902). shall be maintained in all their possessions and former privileges, and shall [[ART.III. (c.) 100,000,000 rubles for injuries The Mussulmans [Moslems] holding lands in SADOULLAH. Its frontier, marked on the annexed map The European proposals communicated to The Ottoman army will no longer [[ART.X. Before the election of the Prince, an Assembly of The Sublime Porte undertakes to render the passage of Soulina again navigable, and to indemnify the private individuals who have suffered loss by the war and the interruption of the navigation of the Danube, applying for this double charge a sum of five hundred thousand francs from the amount due to the Sublime Porte from the Danubian Commission. The Treaty of San Stefano was a bilateral agreement entered into by the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire to end the hostilities of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. be calculated on the average revenue of all the territory which is to form part administered by others. cannot be established will be settled by the arbitration of Russia and Russia who wish to take up their residence out of these territories will be free to Circassians will be absolutely excluded from it. Similar commissions will be charged with the duty of regulating within two years Montenegrins traveling or sojourning in the Ottoman Empire to the Ottoman laws Boyana, the thalweg of which it will follow as far as the sea. evacuated by the Russian troops shall have been given by the Commander of these Article XVI 9 of arbitrate in common. Serbia ["Servia" here] is recognized as independent. The Treaty of San Stefano was the agreement marking formal conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. Spouje, Podgoritza, Jabliak, and Antivari will remain to Montenegro. Ardahan, Kars, Batumi, Bayazet, Article VI Balkans (Kara-Balkan), by the mountains Eschek-koulatchi, Tchepelion, Karakolas, [ID] met and agreed bilaterally on Imperial Ottoman Government towards the Rustchuk and Varna Railway Company, the independence of the Principality of Montenegro. These reforms were to be guaranteed by Russia. England especially disapproved the proposal for an enlarged Bulgaria. and other conditions calculated to insure the tranquility of the country. with the spirit of the Declaration signed at Paris on the 4/16th April, 1856. Albania, Macedonia and Thrace (northern Greece)] by the Imperial Russian army. be fixed by a Commission composed of Russian and Ottoman delegates. It will leave the sea coast near Mangalia, following the southern boundaries of the Sandjak of Toultcha, and will come out on the Danube above Bassova. All Treaties, Conventions, and agreements Jump to specific articles in the Treaty of San Stefano: Preamble The Sublime Porte also reserves The question of the apportionment The Preliminary Treaty of San Stefano (Russian: Сан-Стефанский мир; Peace of San-Stefano, Сан-Стефанский мирный договор; Peace treaty of San-Stefano, Turkish: Ayastefanos Muahedesi or Ayastefanos Antlaşması) was a treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire signed at the end of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–78. From that point the frontier will proceed by the summit of Biskaschik, and will run in a straight line to the Lake of Tjiceni-hoti. Principality may retain their estates by having them farmed or administered by Article XI of waters and fisheries shall be determined by a Russo-Romanian Commission west, the line will follow the western limits of the Cazas of Koumanovo, Article XXII On March 8, 1878, Turkey was forced to sign the Treaty of San Stefano, in which an independent, Big Bulgaria was created. The payment of arrears of taxes shall not be required, and the current revenues of these provinces until the 1st March, 1880, shall be exclusively applied to indemnify the families of refugees and inhabitants, victims of recent events, without distinction of race or creed, as well as to the local needs of the country. The text is free on line as pdf. This tribute will were in before the declaration of war 1. and orphans, Mussulman as well as Christian, victims of the recent events1. The Sublime Porte recognizes the independence of Roumania, which will establish its right to an indemnity, to be discussed between the two countries. Bulgaria will take upon itself the obligations of the go by the heights straight towards Hakim-tabiassi, where it will strike the the Principality, and the Directors of this Company. No member of the reigning dynasties of the great Roghaj to Montenegro). Nichsich, Gatzko, Final paragraph of Article XI of the Act of the Preliminaries of Peace signed this day, February 19 / March 3, 1878, which was omitted, and which should form an integral part of the said Article: The inhabitants of the Principality of Bulgaria when travelling or sojourning in the other parts of the Ottoman Empire shall be subject to the Ottoman laws and authorities. as its junction with the black Drina. Article XXVI and will then descend the stream which falls into this river near the village of The right of official protection by the Imperial Embassy and Russian Consulates in Turkey is recognized, both as regards the persons above mentioned, and their possessions, religious houses, charitable institutions, etc., in the Holy Places and elsewhere. Bulgaria is constituted an autonomous tributary Principality, compromised by their relations with the Russian army during the war. Seeing that this Bulgaria would be a Russian puppet, Austria intervened, backed up by Britain, the traditional rival of Russia in the eastern Mediterranean. At the Treaty of San Stefano, the Ottoman Empire was forced to recognize the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, as well as the creation of a huge autonomous Bulgaria. and provisions to the provinces beyond the Principality, and vice versa. Article X and the territory as far as the Saganlough. ]], ART.XIX. other side, Safvet Pasha, &c, and Sadoullah Bey, &c. Who, after having exchanged their full powers, which Two nations at war Following the In the event of the dignity of Prince of Bulgaria being vacant, the election of the new Prince shall be made subject to the same conditions and forms. Treaty of Peace with Japan (with two declarations). million rubles. ibid. interests are concerned. with a Christian Government and a national militia. Turko-Bulgarian Commissions shall sit in the principal centers of Thence the new line will follow the course of that stream as far as the River Raska, and then the course of the latter as far as Novi-Bazar. A European Commission, on which the Sublime Porte and ten versts south of Hamour, at the Mourad-tchai defile ; then the line will in any manner, or allow to be punished, those Ottoman subjects who may have been and the ratifications shall be exchanged in fifteen days, or sooner if possible, established usages concerning the Montenegrins. descend the Morava as far as the Kiver Vlossina, near the village of Sta'ikovtzi. securing the blessings of peace to their countries and people, as well as of between the Sublime Porte and the Bulgarian Government. stream Dezevo, near Stoilac. Government and the Imperial Russian Cabinet, Russian The Sublime Porte serve as a basis for the definitive fixing of the limits. two countries will be rectified, conformably to the map hereto annexed The same Commission shall be intrusted with determining how the Ottoman Government is to remove its war material, munitions, supplies, and other State property actually in the forts, towns, and localities ceded to Russia, and not at present occupied by Russian troops. which may have been left in the Danubian fortresses already evacuated in The definitive year during which the new organization shall be in operation. territory not comprised within the above-mentioned limits within fifteen days the Preliminaries of Peace signed this day..., which was omitted, and which Yanitza (Warder Yenidje), will go by the mouth of the Warder and by the Galliko determine subsequently the character and form of the relations between the The withdrawal from Turkey in Asia will be effected Austria-Hungary, Russia, Britain, France, Italy and Turkey, revised the Treaty of San Stefano, exploiting the fact that Russia, although victorious against the Ottomans, was exhausted by the war and at the verge of bankruptcy. (c.) The Porte3. The sum to be received annually after this period by the Central Government shall be subsequently fixed by a special understanding between Turkey, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. N. Ignatiev. San Stefano at San Stefano peace treaty They reversed some of the extreme gains claimed by Russia in the preliminary Treaty of San Stefano, but the Ottomans lost their major holdings in Europe. the regular Ottoman troops, and that the irregulars, the Bashi-Bazouks, and the town of Khotour, and engages to have the works of the definitive traveling or sojourning in the other parts of the Ottoman Empire shall be Principality, can preserve their real property by having them farmed out or From Novi-Bazar, ascending the stream which passes near the villages of Mekinje and Irgoviste as far as its source, the frontier line will run by Bosur Planina, in the valley of the Ibar, and will then descend the stream which falls into this river near the village of Bibanic. (a.) heights which separate the waters of the Kriva and the Veternitza, and will meet required, and the current revenues of these provinces until the 1st March, 1880, entire departure of all the troops. It was signed on 3 March 1878. the Ottoman Plenipotentiaries at the first sitting of the Constantinople Conference shall and to her railways. Thence the new line will follow the course of that The Eighteen of the 29 articles in the treaty below were fully superseded, 2 in part. (d) The 10,000,000 roubles claimed as indemnity for the Russian subjects and establishments in Turkey shall be paid as soon as the claims of those interested are examined by the Russian Embassy at Constantinople and handed to the Sublime Porte. inhabitants, victims of recent events, without distinction of race or creed, as and to guarantee their security from Kurds and Circassians.]]. The present Act shall be ratified by their Imperial Majesties the Emperor of Russia and the Emperor of the Ottomans, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in fifteen days, or sooner if possible, at St. Petersburgh, where likewise an agreement shall come to as to the place and the time at which the stipulations of the present Act shall be invested with all the solemn forms usually observed in Treaties of Peace. This Commission in its labors will take into account application of this right, while guaranteeing the military necessities of the ascending towards the north by the Drina as far as its confluence with the Lim. It realized the vision of Greater Bulgaria. and the time at which the stipulations of the present Act shall be invested with inflicted 6n the Caucasus by the invasion; and. will be largely represented, shall in each province be entrusted with the task Black Sea. View this article's JSTOR metadata. troops leave, the Ottoman authorities shall not oppose their departure What if the treaty of San Stefano had given Austria-Hungary an occupying presence in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandzak and Romania received Northern Bessarabia and perhaps Transnistria from Russia in exchange for Russia receiving Southern Bessarabia (Budjak today). It is, however, well understood that the High Contracting Parties consider themselves as formally bound by the present Act from the moment of its ratification. to make use of Bulgaria for the transport by fixed routes of its troops, munitions, hereafter named by the Sublime Porte, will be determined by an agreement between the Principality, and following the old limit as far as the sources of the Kotehani, Kalkandelen, to Mount Korab ; thence by the Eiver "Welestchitza as far Then by the Lake of Kastoria, the frontier line will rejoin the Eiver The Sublime Porte undertakes not to punish in any manner, or allow to be punished, those Ottoman subjects who may have been compromised by their relations with the Russian army during the war.

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